We brought back Lindsey Nubern from Nuventure Travels! She’s been on the podcast twice before, talking about RVing in New Zealand and part-time travel with a home base. This time, she’s on the podcast to talk about their latest new venture… preparing to travel with a baby! She is currently 7 months pregnant with her first child, but that hasn’t stopped her and her husband Adam from adventuring in their Casita trailer. They even recently went on a month-long tour of Colorado! They plan to get out on the road as soon as possible with their son, starting with some small camping trips and working their way up to international travel.
In this episode, Sam talks to Lindsey about preparing for the baby, future travel plans, and their new project for travelers called Nomad Collab.
Some highlights from this episode:
- 1:30 – Preparing for baby!
- 5:00 – What they want to teach him on the road
- 8:00 – Advice and resources from other travelers
- 13:00 – NomadCollab
- 23:00 – Traveling while pregnant
Nomad Collab
Nomad Collab is a membership site & community for couples living or seeking a location independent lifestyle. This has been a really cool project for Adam and Lindsey, who co-founded the community with Dan and Lindsay from Follow Your Detour and Dan and Tracy from The Money Smart Nomad. It’s a place for couples (and some solo travelers!) to network and grow a travel lifestyle. They have frequent Zoom meetings on various topics to help couples grow their online brands and businesses and also to help navigate the lifestyle on the road.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Nuventure Travels
- Nomad Collab
- Listen to Adam and Lindsey talk about part-time travel with a home base on this previous episode!
- Listen to Adam and Lindsey talk about their international RVing in New Zealand!
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